[matarosensefils] that's all UE!

jordi jordi a matarosensefils.net
dic mar 23 23:33:30 CET 2005


Us adjunto el text que he enviat sobre l'estudi de la UE.
Espero que no tingui moltes errades de traducció.

També els hi he enviat aquesta foto:


He tingut en compte les úniques observacions que s'han fet.

Suposo que la resta està d'acord amb el redactat...



ps. el correu que els hi he enviat anava acompanyat de la mateixa firma
que acompanya aquest correu.

- jo també vull una Europa lliure de patents de programari  -
 EuropeSwPatentFree - http://EuropeSwPatentFree.hispalinux.es

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Mataró Sensefils: a free wireless network

Mataró Sensefils is a completely made-by-people and non-profit project. It was formed by three independent groups as started acting in a coordinated way: Iluro Wireless - formed by people from a new built area around Via Europa -; Mataró Wireless - a group of students and ex-students linked to the EUMPT student association -; and Mataró Sensefils - formed by people all over the city. Mataró Sensefils is the project consisting in work together to build a wireless network in Mataró.

The object of the project is to have a wireless network owned, managed and supported by the citizenry. Decisions affecting the project guidelines are made using a mailing list
and in periodical present meetings. From the very beginning the members of the project have avoided having its guidelines affected by politicians, since the citizens linked to the project are the ones to do it. It has to be point out that this network project is inspired, in its spirit, by GPL License and a feeling of community membership. The network is organized in a similar way to free software developer groups. Thanks to that philosophy and way of working, adding efforts is the only possible option.

Network implementation and its coordination are divided in units according to city areas, allowing a unit-based and decentralized structure, with no hierarchy at all. This organizing system is the basis of the project's success, since new entries rapidly feel the project as theirs because every area makes its own decisions. Questions affecting the whole network have to be sorted in assembly. For three years of meetings no voting has been necessary, for debate and consensus have been enough to reach relevant agreements. At this point, it's necessary to talk about the implication in the project of the squatter movement in Mataró. They impregnated the project with their claiming and independent spirit. Collaboration with this movement has been absolutely open and with no conditions, favouring a better knowledge	of the reality in a movement who's fallen victim to prejudices many times. Nevertheless, the basis were the network pretends to be eminently lean on are neighbourhood associations, since their implication would directly benefit all the citizens and each neighbourhood.

Technologically, the network is implemented based in Wi-Fi standard 802.11g.There are two layers in the wireless network: the access layer where final users get connected; and the link layer used to link areas. Each member supports the equipment needed for its own connection. Equipment needed for the interconnection between different areas are supported due to collective effort organizing different technological-festive events focused on spreading knowledge as a collective and free device. Logic evolution will lead to new technical solutions as they arise. The final definition of the standard 802.11n and Wi-Max are being expected as they appear to be wireless solutions that will increase link layer's performance, though no other possibly effective solutions are ruled out. 

The network is a free media where citizenry can share all kinds of resources. At the same time the network is a new way for people to mix with, a community ideas exchange device and a good way to bring new technologies and their benefits closer to people. Everyone can enrich the network creating his/her own contents, offering them to the community and taking over the according commitments. Some of the offered services are: internal web servers, instant messenger, shared files, radio and television streaming, Debian Packages, forums, as all services needed to operate and monitor. Other services under consideration are VoIP telephony and on-line gaming. Eventual necessities while increase the list of services.
Mataró Sensefils is a good example of how technology can and should benefit society. Furthermore, it can be a human synergies meeting point in the shire of Maresme. Our shire, whose capital city is Mataró, has plenty of social-technological movements like Mataró Sensefils. Being able to connect all those network communities is a common horizon that all Maresme people in wireless communities share.      
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 ( ( ( ( || ) ) ) ) 
Comunitat Sensefils de Mataró
www.ilurowireless.net - www.matarosensefils.net - www.matarowireless.net

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